
Le Monde, M Le Magazine du Monde, Libération, Pèlerin Mag, Le Parisien Mag, Gibraltar, VSD, L’Obs, Socialter, Le Monde diplomatique, Le Point, La Croix, Jeune Afrique, Afrique Mag, L’Express, Qantara, La Chronique d’Amnesty, L’Hebdo La Croix, le Parisien Mag,

Pan African Music, Svenska Dagbladet, Nature magazine, Foreign Policy, L’illustré (Suisse), 39 Null magazine, Epic, Vi Läser mag, Regard magazine, Inkyfada…

Agences, Companies & NGO’s

Médecins sans Frontières, Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture, Amnesty International, DVV International, Prison Insider, Greenpeace, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Solidarité Laïque, Action des Chrétiens pour l’abolition de la torture – ACAT, DRI – Democracy Reporting International, Festival International des Droits Humains (Suisse et France), Ambassade de Suède en France, Mucem -Musée des civilisation de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée,

La FAIAR – Formation d’Art en espace public, Karwan, Page Jaune, So Local, Comptoir des voyages, Maif Social Club, Département des Alpes de Haute Provence, FING – Formation Internet Nouvelle Génération, Totem Production, Festival de Musique Gnaoua d’Essaouira, Natur & Kultur Edition… Hopital Européen Marseille, ARNH – AssociatioN pour l’insertion et la Réinsertion professionnelle et humaine des Handicapés…

Site Title / Logo Options

Site Title – control the font typeface, style, line height, transform and letter spacing of the site title.

Site Title Size – set the size of the font for the site title.

Site Title Color – choose the color used on site title.

Mobile Site Title – control the font typeface, style, line height, transform and letter spacing for the site title on mobile devices.

Mobile Site Title Size – set the size of the font for the site title on mobile devices.


Site Navigation Options

Navigation – control the font typeface, style, transform and letter spacing of the navigation links.

Navigation Size – set the size of the font for the navigation text.

Navigation Color – choose the color used for navigation links.

Navigation (Active) Color – choose the color used on all navigation links when currently being viewed.

Navigation (Hover) Color – choose the color used on all navigation links when hovered.


Secondary Navigation – control the font typeface, style, line height, transform and letter spacing of the secondary navigation text.

Secondary Navigation Size – set the size of the font for the secondary navigation text.

Secondary Navigation Color – choose the color used for secondary navigation links.


Blog Options

Blog Sidebar – determines the position / display of the sidebar within the blog.

Blog Sidebar Width – controls the width of the sidebar on the blog list and item view.

Blog Sidebar Padding – select the amount of space between the sidebar and the main content areas.


Blog Post Spacing – sets the amount of spacing between each blog post on the list view.

Blog Meta Data Color – sets the color used on article meta data (date, comment, like & share).

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